NowpapMED (Marine Environment Data) is a database fromthe major outcome of the DINRAC′s activity - Annual Summary of Major Marine Environmental Data Available in Member States. The Marine Environment Data is the results of the Annual collection of data and information collected by DINRAC Focal Points in member states according to the designed Data Collection Frameword and Data Collection Form.
NowpapC&N(Contaminants & Nutrients) - a Database on the information related to the contaminants and nutrients in the marine and coastal environment in the NOWPAP region.NowpapC&N serves as entry to access many information sources mainly in the NOWPAP region. People can find what sort of contaminants and/or nutrients,in which geographic scope, who conducted the survey/investigation and some technical details such as observation parameters, analyticla methods and sampling frequency, when the activity carried out and to whom can be contacted, online linkage URL included.
NowpapMAPs(Marine Protected Areas) - a Database on Marine Protected Areas in the NorthWest Pacific Region, which is developed and maintained by NOWPAP DINRAC, has given a review and understanding on the current situation and development of nature reserves, including the location, name, level, type, area, nature condition, social and economical situation, management, marine protected species diversity and list of endangered species, so as to promote information exchange and distribution on marine and coastal environmental protection in the NOWPAP Region.
NowpapOilSpill(Oil Spill Accidents) - a Database on Oil Spill Accidents in Northwest Pacific Region. The list of Oil Spill Accidents is developed and updated regularly by NOWPAP MERRAC, it include the name and nationality of the vessel, the location, i.e., longitude, type of spilled oil and effects etc. The databases is developed and maintained by NOWPAP DINRAC.
NowpapHNS(Hazardous and Noxious Substance Spill Accidents) - a Database on Hazardous and Noxious Substance(HNS) Spill Accidents in Northwest Pacific Region. The list of HNS Spill Accidents is developed and updated regularly by NOWPAP MERRAC, it include the location, i.e., longtitude and latitude, name of ship, type of HNS, etc. The databases is developed and maintained by NOWPAP DINRAC.
NowpapReferenceAD(Reference on Atmospheric Deposition of Contaminants) - a reference database on atmospheric deposition of contaminants deposition of contaminants into the marine and coastal environment in NOWPAP Region(AD Reference Database), is developed and maintained by NOWPAP POMRAC and DINRAC.
NowpapReferenceRDI(Reference on River and Direct Inputs of Contaminants) - a reference database on river and direct inputs of contaminants into the marine and coastal environment in NOWPAP Region(RDI Reference Database), is developed and maintained by NOWPAP POMRAC and DINRAC.
NowpapReferenceICARM(Reference Database on Integrated Coastal and River Basin Management) - a Reference Database on Integrated Coastal and River Basin Management in NOWPAP Region(ICARM Reference Database) is developed and maintained by NOWPAP POMRAC and DINRAC for improving information exchange related to integrated management of coastal areas and river basins in North-West Pacific.
NowpapReferenceICARM comprises data on articles, scientific reports, databases and Internet resources concerning sustainable development of coastal zones and river basins in NOWPAP Region.
NowpapGIS(GIS & RS Products) - a set of Databases on Constal and Marine Environment GIS & RS Products in the Northwest Pacific Region, is developed and maintained by NOWPAP DINRAC. Three databases, NowpapGISdata, and NowpapGISsystem and NowpapGISreport are included.
NowpapInstitution(Institutions) - a Database on Coastal and Marine Environmental Institutions in the Northwest Pacific Region, is developed and maintained by NOWPAP DINRAC. The main information in the NowpapInstitution is on the institution/organizations involved in all aspects of coastal and marine environmental research and management in the region.
NowpapExperts(Experts) - a Database on Coastal and Marine Environmental Experts in the Northwest Pacific Region, is developed and maintained by NOWPAP DINRAC. The main information in the database is on individuals involved in all aspects of coastal and marine environmental research and management in the region. A 'professional' is defined as a person who, through his/her job, has expertise related to the research and management of the coastal and marine environment.
NowpapConvention - Collection of English translation of marine environment portection conventions related NOWPAP.
NowpapLaw - Collection of English translation of marine environmental protection laws in NOWPAP member countries is for the ease of your reference only. In case any discrepancy exists between the English texts and the original texts in national language of NOWPAP member countries, the original texts shall prevail.
NowpapStandard - Collection of Environmental Standards related to marine environment in NOWPAP countries is compiled by DINRAC and based on the report, "Regional Overview on River and Direct Inputs of Contaminants into the Marine and Coastal Environment in NOWPAP Region". It contains relevant environmental standards in China, Korea, Japan and Russia related to marine environment, and relevant environment monitoring mechanisms in Japan and Korea. This collection is still at an early stage and will be continuously updated in the future.