NowpapExpert - a Database on Coastal and Marine Environmental Experts in the Northwest Pacific Region, is developed and maintained by NOWPAP DINRAC. The main information in the NowpapExpert is involved in all aspects of coastal and marine environmental research and management in the region. It is intended to be a tool for scientists, policy makers and anyone who needs to contact a coastal or marine environmental professional. A´professional is defined as a person who, through his/her job, has expertise related to the research and management of the coastal and marine environment.
NowpapExpert is free to access for non-profit purpose. As an individual professional in the region, you are welcome to add your information to the database by contact with a DINRAC Focal Point in the NOWPAP Members or NOWPAP DINRAC. Any individual professional information change to send to a DINRAC Focal Point in the NOWPAP Members or NOWPAP DINRAC.
Any comments and suggestions please send to